Gears of war sires
Gears of war sires

gears of war sires

With that in mind, here are 15 facts you need to know about Gears Of War.

gears of war sires

With all of that backstory, character progression and history, there can be quite a lot for most Gears Of War fans to miss, especially if you're just a casual fan looking to go on an Imulsion fueled rampage against the Locust Horde. proved their metal in the years, months, and even weeks building up to Emergence Day (E-Day). Altogether, the comics cover everything from The Locust and their years long battle with The Lambent, to the build up to the Pendulum Wars, as well as how Marcus and co. To make matters even more complicated, there's also an extensive run of comics set before, and during, the main games. With everything that's going on on-screen, it's easy for even the most hardcore gamer to lose track of some of the facts and minor plot points that are casually passed around.

gears of war sires

Over the course of five games, including a prequel, fans have gotten a verifiable host of background story, on top of the story that's playing out on screen. But the Queen's comments about his father to Marcus and then the "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!" after the credits, well I want to know more.Gears Of War has been a genre defining franchise ever since its first installment was released back in 2006, with each entry topping the previous one in terms of action, story and gore. I really thought Adam Fenix was killed and that's why Marcus was in prison he left to go save him but couldn't and was arrested for deserting. Its also interesting without Jacinto where the COG will retreat to, it was their last city. The Queen definitely survived and as you seen in Landown the Locust control surface cities too, so they'll have a stronghold somewhere. It would make sense with the Queen being half Human but it could also be that the Sires and the research was splicing Locusts DNA onto Human, hopefully we'll find out. I also haven't got all the collectables so they might shed some more light. I believe Skorge was on the hydra when you killed it, I originally thought the Locusts where descendants of the Sires at least some of their experiments but while underground they kept mentioning how old the buildings are and some of them have been destroyed/weathered.

Gears of war sires